Herschel Infrared Case Studies Religious meeting place

Religious meeting place

Customer brief: to increase the temperature in 2 hours time from 10 ° C. to 20 ° C

Herschel Summit heating a religious meeting space


Mr. Bayense from Kerkrade, the Netherlands, was looking for a quick heating solution for his evangelical meeting room. Convection heating was not an option here because this space is poorly insulated and contains many glass sections. In addition, there is a risk of mould.


The Herschel installer has installed 4 Summit infrared heaters 2600 W on the ceiling and has them controlled by the Herschel IQ system.

Herschel Summit


In preparation for the first meeting, Mr. Bayense managed to increase the temperature in 2 hours time from 10 ° C. to 20 ° C. Once all people were inside, this could be lowered to 18 ° C. lowered – this gave a comfortable feeling through a combination of pleasant radiant heat and lower air temperatures. In addition a financial windfall for the operator, knowing that every ° C. lower means about 6% less on the energy bill! Mr. Bayense is so satisfied that he has welcomed us to visit this install with other clients so they can see the heaters installed in this project.

Herschel Summit warming up a meeting room


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