Herschel Infrared Case Studies St Michael’s Mount Without Church Heating

St Michael’s Mount Without Church Heating

Efficient, easy to install electric heating for churches provided by Herschel Infrared

"The heaters make such a difference in our cold open church"


The church dates back to the Norman period and as it was sited outside the original city walls, it was known as St Michael on the Mount (Without). It has quite a history, being damaged in 1941 during the Bristol Blitz, closing in 1999 until recently and also catching fire in 2016. Luckily the site is now back up and running as a performance and events venue to welcome back life and add some more history back into the Church.

Stand mounted Manhattan heaters used to Heat a cold open church in Bristol

The Mount Without Church in Bristol was seeking a solution to heat the main area of the church interior where they hold a lot of conferences and events. The large, open space which accommodates many people is noticeably cold and difficult to heat, by virtue of it being an historic church building. Electric heating for churches from Herschel Infrared provides a simple, effective solution that is simple to install and efficient to run – available in a variety of mounting options including being able to mount on a stand for a portable option.

Stand mounted Manhattan heaters used to Heat an open cold church in Bristol


Herschel Manhattans on stands were recommended by our team of specialists, this was largely down to the portability of the Manhattan when it’s put on a stand. They are silent in use, provide a fast warm up time and provide a powerful heat to ensure warmth even in a large open space. The glow they give off isn’t overbearing, so not to distract or irritate people sat at the table, and they’re able to be brought closer or moved further away if necessary.


“ We love the warmth that our Manhattan heaters give out, it makes such a difference, especially now since it has gotten colder. We love how easy they are to use with a simple on and off and level switch with option to use with a remote or on the heater itself. Its so useful as anyone can work them. The stands allow us to move them to wherever we want for maximum warmth.”

Stand mounted Manhattan heaters used to Heat an open cold church in Bristol

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