The trend within the home heating market to heat just the room you’re in is rapidly growing. To heat just the living area or, for example, just the home study (as we have seen with the substantial market now working from home) is a trend that is gaining in momentum. As homeowners react to continued increases in energy prices and the very real need to increase efficiency and improve carbon footprints, the case for heating just one room is proving an attractive option – enabling homeowners to realise economies whilst at the same time maximising comfort in the room most occupied.
Energy prices soared following the global shortage of gas which hit at the same time as the increase in demand during the colder months and further increases are expected. People are seeking efficient solutions as a result and are also keen to implement measures to respond to the climate emergency.
This different, very minimal and focussed way of efficiently heating homes has been summarised by The Independent newspaper ‘About to switch the heating on? Read this first’ which highlighted how the method isn’t actually as new as we may think. Back in 1982, the Rio Earth Pledge was introduced at the world’s first climate summit where people pledged to only heat and light the rooms they were in.
Infrared heating lends itself nicely as a solution to this concept. Low energy infrared heaters offers the ultimate flexibility in control, comfort and budget. With a range of quick installation solutions available, including portable heaters as well as Easy DIY options, people now have even more choice of how to run their electric heating – whether they heat just the room they’re in, a number of key living spaces or the entire home – they can run their heating to suit both lifestyle and budget. Infrared heating delivers the flexibility required so people can efficiently manage their heating, their energy consumption and their costs. Plus lower their carbon footprint whilst keeping warm in the rooms they are occupying.
The climate emergency is real and urgent action is needed now if the UK is to deliver on its targets for reducing carbon emissions, as set out in the 2015 Paris Agreement. The need to replace fossil fuels with renewable technologies is immediate and the government is reviewing the best technologies available to reduce emissions associated with heating buildings. In the UK, home heating constitutes almost a third of all UK carbon emissions so the opportunities available are vast.
COP26 reviewed progress against net zero targets for both the UK and almost every country on earth as world leaders congregated to agree action. For existing housing stock the UK focus has primarily been on rolling out heat pumps however it is clear that there is not one solution to fit all. Other technologies are readily available and major opportunities exist to make homes more efficient – through insulation, through the addition of lower energy, low carbon technologies and through careful consideration of the most efficient way a homeowner can choose to run their heating system according to their own lifestyle.
Take a look at Herschel’s range of infrared panel heaters or contact the team to find out more about how infrared heating can work in your home.