Calculate infrared heating requirements
Use our calculator to estimate your requirements
How to use
Use our calculator to estimate your home heating requirements using Herschel Infrared heaters.
Our heating power calculator will suggest which heaters will match your requirements and give you a quote for the whole system, including control options.
The calculator will provide you with a quote for the Inspire range and also the Select XLS range. The control systems are different for each range, so be sure to select the correct options on Step 3.
The calculator uses complex algorithms based on the specific performance of Herschel Infrared heater panels based on the details of the property entered in Step 1. It is important to ensure you enter the right details. Do not use for the selection of any heater not listed in the results.
For larger project and commercial or outdoor space heating specifications, please contact Herschel or your nearest dealer.
By relying on the results of this calculator, you agree to the terms of use.