Customer Service › FAQs › How do I control my HydroNova system?
How do I control my HydroNova system?
HydroNova is controlled with Herschel’s HN1 switch. This switch works with SmartLife and you can therefore set it to run on a schedule (e.g. overnight to use Economy 7) and can opt to add a mid-day top-up charge if you need to.
By Using the HN1 switch, you can integrate management of your hot water into your whole house heating solution on SmartLife.
HN1 comes with your HydroNova purchase, as standard. If you plan to use solar PV upon install, a solar PV ready accessory (the Optimino key) will be sent out instead of the HN1 smart switch. The Optimino key is also available to buy as an accessory if solar is planned at a future date.