Herschel Infrared Case Studies Low Energy Heating for Home Offices

Low Energy Heating for Home Offices


As the author of Old House Eco Handbook and a writer specialising in buildings and sustainability, Roger Hunt wanted to avoid having the central heating running all day just to keep warm in his home office, he was keen to minimise energy wastage and costs as much as possible.

Low energy Heating for Home Offices


Aware of the benefits of infrared, he decided to invest in a Herschel Select 220 Watt infrared under desk heater. The compact design of the portable heater meant it fitted perfectly and unobtrusively beneath his desk while the foot pedal enables it to be easily turned on and off as required so it does not get left on unnecessarily.


“Kept me warm…not only heating my legs and feet but, with the door closed, my whole office”

The combination of rising energy bills, concern about carbon emissions and the need to stay warm means that heating is now one of the most common things I get asked about when I lecture. I’ve been keen to try infrared heating for some time so when I discovered the Herschel infrared under desk heater I decided to put it to the test.

Through the winter days, it has kept me warm with a gentle, pleasant heat, not only heating my legs and feet but, with the door closed, my whole office. Even in the coldest weather, I haven’t needed it all the time. It’s much more effective than an electric panel heater and much more comfortable because it doesn’t dry the air or stir up dust in the same way as the convection currents created by a normal electric heater or even central heating radiators.

Working at a desk when you’re cold is miserable and doesn’t help concentration. The infrared heater means that I have excellent localised heat and have been able to get on without worrying that the central heating is running unnecessarily.

Roger Hunt,

With thanks to Roger Hunt for providing us with pictures of his home study and also his detailed testimonial on how his under desk heater has performed as a heating solution for his home office.

Under Desk heating for home offices

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