Wall mounted patio heaters

Wall-mounted Herschel California heaters

Cosy warmth from Herschel California heaters in a renovated outdoor lounge area.


London terrace heated by wall-mounted California heaters

Designer terrace in London heated by wall-mounted California heaters.


Stylish California Heaters warming an outdoor pool house

Chosen for its winning combination of style and warmth, the Herschel California is receiving fantastic reviews in this outdoor pool house.


Herschel Infrared California heaters in rose gold

Herschel Infrared California heaters in rose gold providing a wall-mounted solution.


Herschel Colorado warming BBQ terrace area

Herschel Colorado warming BBQ terrace area.


Heating outdoor terraces

Herschel California providing a cosy warm glow ambience for socialising outdoors.


Wall mounted outdoor heaters

Herschel California heaters in black warming this gorgeous home terrace area.


Herschel Manhattan wall-mounted to heat family patio area

Herschel Manhattan wall-mounted to heat family patio area


Heating outdoor patio areas

Herschel Colorados installed at a Cafe in Holland to provide warmth for customers.


Wall mounted patio heaters

Wall mounted outdoor heaters ideal for terraces, patios and balcony areas.


Herschel Miami outdoor heating

2kW Herschel Miami provides glorious warmth for outdoor terrace areas.